The annexation to Israel of much of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley, currently Palestinian territory controlled by the Israeli military, was a mainstay of the election campaign of Likud, B. Netanyahu's party. With his mate Gantz of the White Blue party, they sealed a government agreement mentioning this annexation.

This annexation plan is sponsored by the United States. It was touted as a "peace plan" but outside of the US and Israel it has not convinced many people.
The Palestinians are against it and they are right; the Arab countries, most of whom have established relations with Israel, although without commitment, do not defend it. The European Union sees in it more disadvantages than advantages and halfheartedly rejects it, by refusing sanctions it keeps to a minimum; China, India and Russia have already expressed their opposition to the plan; finally, the UN recalls that annexation is contrary to international law.
In Israel itself, and well beyond the Communists and the Joint List, voices are being raised, including in the military and security hierarchy, to advise caution and to ensure that the risks involved in such an annexation are understood. Indeed, if "technically" the annexation is relatively easy to settle due to the Israeli military control of these territories, it poses, among other things, the political question of the future of the population concerned. As the Israeli authorities do not intend to grant Israeli nationality to annexed non-Jewish populations, this would openly result in a state of apartheid, a source of exacerbated conflict and the outcome of which would be unpredictable.
While the Israeli government hesitates, has it changed course? The answer is no. The plan to annex all of Palestine is in the founding act of Israel as conceived by the right and left Zionists.
This orientation has resulted in a territorial expansion at the expense of the Palestinian territory in defiance of international agreements and with the unwavering support of the Western imperialist powers, USA in the lead.
This perceptible hesitation simply means that Israeli imperialism is sensitive to pressure and this pressure needs to be increased if the national rights of the Palestinian people are to be finally recognized.
This is so true that Israel’s powerful supporters in France are losing their composure and doing everything they can to turn the Palestinian people's just struggle and support into an act of terrorism. The last translation of this behavior into action comes from Toulouse where responding to a demonstration of the Palestine collective that he could not bear, the president of Midi Pyrénées of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) calls on authorities to demand a ban on demonstrations, even threatening the demonstrators with the use of force against them. The CRIF, which claims to represent the Jews of France, is in reality on marked reactionary positions and cannot claim to represent all the Jews of France, many of whom identify with progressive organizations that fight for a just peace in Palestine.