Gantry 5


N°26 juillet-aout 2022  War in Ukraine: A step in the escalation towards a wider conflict within the imperialist system.


Clashes within the imperialist system, manifested in the war in Ukraine, in which the Russian Federation took the military initiative by invading a sovereign country with internationally recognized borders, have escalated in the last period and threaten world peace.

The high-intensity war in Ukraine is impacting and accentuating the development of heavy tendencies already at work in the evolution of globalized capitalism and exacerbating competition and rivalry within the imperialist system.
We have, even before the start of the invasion of the troops of the Russian Federation, described the nature of this war as imperialistic: "Russia's recognition of the Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk which seceded from Ukraine in 2014, V. Putin's statement on the consequences of this recognition and the sanctions announced by the European Union (EU) and the USA mark a new stage in the conflict that is developing between Russia and the NATO powers, the European Union and the USA.
Each of the protagonists strives to justify its position by invoking international law and questions of national security, but none of them puts forward the economic and strategic interests of their capitalist monopolies in the search for a new division of the world and of Europe, for access to natural resources, for the control of communication channels and the labor force. This redistribution, which is the object of an intense struggle on a world scale between the imperialist powers, is one of the consequences of the disappearance of the USSR, which opened up a new field to these confrontations in which the Western powers organized in the imperialist alliance that is NATO, headed by the USA, but also Russia under the thumb of
Based on this in-depth analysis and taking into account developments in the conflict, we have shown that the confrontation goes beyond the framework of a local conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. It is so true that we see a deeper and deeper involvement of the USA and the European Union and their military alliance NATO in this war, direct involvement with assistance in the training of troops, intelligence, financing with a budget of 42 billion dollars, which roughly represents the military budget of France and the armament of Ukraine, the sanctions...with the increasingly clearly stated aim of
The major protagonist powers in the conflict obviously have nothing to do with the rights of peoples and the sovereignty of nations. Their past and recent actions testify to this. For Ukraine's direct Allies, as for the Russian Federation, only their geostrategic interests count.
We wanted in an in-depth document, to develop our analysis of this major conflict by examining the general framework and the reasons for the clashes within the imperialist system, the role of the ideological battle centered on nationalism and finally the lasting consequences of this conflict in the areas of energy, food and international trade.
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