Bulletin N° 38 septembre 2023 The G20 [1] held its summit in New Delhi, India on September 9 and 10. The holding of this summit in India is undoubtedly a success for its President N. Modi who confirms his international stature who wants to be both close, even representative of what we call the Global South, having important economic and military links with Russia, as well as close relations with the United States, which sees it as a strong partner against China, which they consider to be a systemic enemy.
The admission of the African Union [2] into the G20 group gave full satisfaction to the countries represented and underlines the growing role of emerging countries in the world economy. This enlargement corresponds to the wish expressed at the recent BRICS summit [3] held in South Africa to see emerging countries better represented, both within itself and in international forums.
Regarding the final declaration [4] , speculation was rife, before and during the summit, to predict the failure to find a minimum of consensus for it to see the light of day. However, there was indeed a joint declaration. Basically, it strongly recalls the role of the private sector in the development of the economy and the removal of obstacles to world trade; nothing that could worry the powerful multinationals that dominate the world economy. What made people cringe, with the notable exception of the United States, whose American national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, welcomed the wording of the text, were the two passages devoted to the war in Ukraine and on the measures to be taken to combat climate change.France, through the voice of Macron, found that this second part was not up to the challenges, a way like any other of not venturing too much into the question of the war in Ukraine. This part of the text which denounces the use of force in Ukraine aimed at obtaining territorial gains and recalls the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, makes no mention of Russian aggression in Ukraine, a term however used in 2022 during the previous G20 summit in Bali in a reference to a Security Council resolution which deplored " the aggression committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine" .
These formulations ratified by all the delegations reflect the difficulties in gaining acceptance that the responsibilities for the war in Ukraine are unilateral, especially as other conflicts in the world, fueled by rivalries within the imperialism, do not provoke any reaction from the main protagonists of the war taking place on the territory of Ukraine.
If the Ukrainian leaders rebelled against this declaration, its main supporters, the United States in the lead, were careful not to comment on it, leaving their political watchdogs in the media to do it for them!
Overall, this G20 summit reflects the evolution of a world dominated by capitalism where the balance of power between the old imperialist powers, particularly the United States, is shifting. The unfailing domination of the United States bloc is increasingly contested by the emerging capitalist powers who intend to conquer their share in the monopolization of natural resources, markets, lines of communication and labor force, because they have all the same guide: the search for maximum profit rates and the accumulation of capital which are the deep sources of conflicts within the imperialist system.
[1] The Group of Twenty ( G20 ) is an intergovernmental forum made up of nineteen countries with the most developed economies and the European Union, including heads of state, heads of government, finance ministers, heads of banks central meetings meet annually. It was created in 1999. It is composed of: South Africa, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, United States, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, Russian Federation and the European Union. These countries represent 2/3 of the world population, 3/4 of world trade and 4/5 of world GDP.